July 4th Celebration

Cainsville 4th of July Celebration to kick off tonight

The 12th Annual Cainsville 4th of July Celebration starts at the Cainsville Ball Park Friday evening, July 6th. The Farmers Bank will sponsor an appreciation supper at 5 o’clock featuring pulled pork, chips, baked beans, and drinks will be served for free will donations. Entertainment will be provided by Jordan Crouse and Lifeline from 6 […]

Corn in Beginning Stages of Drought

Farmers seek forage options as drought cuts grass growth

Shortage of cattle forage is forcing some Ozark herd owners to chop trees to feed leaves. That method was used in big droughts of the 1930s and 1950s. Damage comes from more than an intense drought, said Craig Roberts, University of Missouri forage specialist in a weekly teleconference. Regional extension specialists update state staff on […]

Beef producers workshop to be held in Trenton

An informational workshop for beef producers is scheduled in Trenton June 7th, with the Barton Farm Campus hosting visiting livestock specialists and educators from two universities.  The workshop is expected to focus on topics such as marketing, economic analysis, and risk management in the cattle-raising business. Representing the University of Wyoming are Bridger Feuz who is […]