Weather graphic

Trenton entering 4th week without precipitation

Trenton has gone 21 days without measurable rain which is the longest period without measurable precipitation in Trenton in more than two years. There was a 30-day dry spell January 22nd through February 20th in 2017. During the current 21 day dry period, the yearly moisture surplus has decreased by nearly three inches. The surplus […]

Gavel and Law book news graphic

Audio: North Missouri businessman to be sentenced in August for $142 million grain fraud scheme

A northwest Missouri businessman and former school board member faces a potentially lengthy prison sentence, for a 142-MILLION dollar grain fraud scheme.     Sixty-one-year-old Randy Constant is a prominent businessman in northwest Missouri and is also a former Chillicothe School Board member. Federal prosecutors in Iowa say Constant pleaded guilty in FEDERAL court in […]