Audio: Dan Wiebers concludes tenure as Trenton R-9 School Superintendent

Trenton R-9 School District
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Dan Wiebers’s recently concluded his tenure as Trenton R-9 School Superintendent and he will replace Doctor Roger Barnes, who is retiring as the Chillicothe R-2 School Superintendent.

Wiebers has served as the Superintendent in Trenton for four years and his accomplishments during that time include meeting goals from the district’s Comprehensive School Improvement Plan.



Wiebers expressed appreciation to Trenton R-9 School District patrons for supporting April’s bond measure and says he is “pleased” with the other improvements and safety upgrades of the construction project, including a tornado safe building, corridor system, and updated library and media center at Trenton High School and Middle School.

The project also involves a safe entrance at S. M. Rissler Elementary and a concession stand and restroom at C. F. Russell Stadium. One of Wiebers’s “most valued accomplishments” was bringing Bright Futures to the community.



Wiebers has also seen technology advancements, including the adoption of the SIS Fin bookkeeping system to replace Chalkable and expanding iPad distribution to fifth through 12th-grade students, instead of just seventh through 12th grade.

Wiebers says that there are multiple programs in Missouri to assist Superintendents and he can help answer questions incoming Trenton R-9 School Superintendent Mike Stegeman might have. The board of education will also be available to assist Stegeman, and the district office staff can provide support.

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