Livingston County Health Center

Livingston County Health Center to host “Needs Day”

Seniors can connect with various services during Needs Day at the Livingston County Health Center. The event will be held in the health center classroom on October 23rd from 10 to 3 o’clock. Services to be represented will include Access Two (II) Disability Services, the Community Action Partnership of North Central Missouri, the Northwest Missouri […]


Audio: 120,000 Missourians no longer on Medicaid but state’s Medicaid costs continue to climb

House Minority Leader Crystal Quade says 120,000 Missourians, including about 95,000 children, have reportedly been removed from Medicaid since January 2018. State Representative David Wood, who chairs a budget committee involving Social Services, says the number of Missourians on state healthcare has declined, but the state’s Medicaid costs continue to climb.     Wood thinks […]

Cows a a fair

Beat the heat from farm to fair with these tips

Fair season and heat put three key groups at risk of heatstroke: livestock, their owners and spectators. Timing and flexibility are critical when transporting animals to and from the fair, says Daniel Mallory, University of Missouri livestock field specialist. Take animals to the fair early in the morning when temperatures are cooler so animals remain […]

Heart Health

Governor Parson takes action to curb rising healthcare premiums for Missourians

Governor Mike Parson signed Executive Order 1913, creating the Missouri Health Insurance Innovation Task Force. The Governor’s action aims to curb rising healthcare premiums and increase access and competition in health insurance markets for all Missourians. It is imperative that the State of Missouri develop comprehensive and innovative ways to transform the health insurance market […]