
Twenty-two bands to compete in Cameron MarchFest

Twenty-two bands will participate in the first ever Cameron MarchFest this month. The event on October 20th will feature parade, field show, indoor drumline, and color guard competitions. The parade competition begins at 9 o’clock in the morning with the parade to travel six blocks through Downtown Cameron, around McCorkle Park, and down Third Street. […]

Missouri Day Festival

Missouri Day Festival to kick off October 18, 2018

The Trenton Area Chamber of Commerce’s Missouri Day Festival will be held October 18th through 21st this year. The festival will begin with a soup supper and opening ceremonies at the First Baptist Church of Trenton that Thursday evening. The soup supper will be from 5 to 7 o’clock, with the opening ceremonies following. Friday […]

Sunnyview Employee of the Month 2018 Katrina Oneal

Katrina Oneal is Sunnyview Employee of the Month

Sunnyview Foundation Inc. announced the employee of the month from resident and family nominations.  The Employee of the Month for September 2018 is Katrina Oneal. Katrina has been an employee with Sunnyview for 15-years and works in the residential care apartments.  She received an employee of the month parking spot and a $25.00 check from […]