Dr. Weber and Steve

Doctor Maureen Weber receives Service Excellence Champion Program Award

A hospitalist at Wright Memorial Hospital of Trenton and Hedrick Medical Center of Chillicothe received the Saint Luke’s Physician Group Service Excellence Champion Program Award. Doctor Maureen Weber was chosen for the award based on how she communicates with her patients and family members. The Service Excellence Champion Program recognizes Saint Luke’s Physician Group employees, […]

Missouri seeks to boost prizes in local vaccine incentive program

(Missouri Independent) – Prizes awarded through a vaccine incentive program offered by local public health departments in Missouri may get boosted to $100-per-person under a new federal allowance. After previously rejecting Missouri’s proposal to exceed a $25 limit on prizes paid for with federal funding to incentivize immunizations, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently […]

Mid America Music Festival 2021

Additional funding can still be secured for Mid-America Music Festival charities

The Mid-America Music Festival’s fiscal year does not end until September 30. That means additional funding can be secured for the festival’s charities, including Camp Rainbow, the Green Hills Animal Shelter, and the North Central Missouri Children’s Advocacy Center. Festival fans and supporters can further help the charities through its CFM Insurance Royals Suite raffle. […]