USDA to authorize up to $12 billion in programs to assist farmers impacted by tariffs

U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue today announced that the U.S. Department of Agriculture will take several actions to assist farmers in response to trade damage from unjustified retaliation. President Trump directed Secretary Perdue to craft a short-term relief strategy to protect agricultural producers while the Administration works on free, fair, and reciprocal trade deals […]

North American Bison Registry Committee

Stewartsville native named Chairman of North American Bison Registry Committee

A Stewartsville native was recently named the chairman of the North American Bison Registry Committee. National Bison Association President Dick Gehring of Moundridge, Kansas appointed Connor Elliott to the position. A news release reports Elliott assumed the position after former chairman Gerald Parsons of Stafford, Oklahoma announced he would step down as chairman but remain […]

FCS Farm Credit Services

FCS Financial stockholders elect directors

Through a mail ballot, the stockholders of FCS Financial elected four directors to the board. Elected by the cooperative’s member-owners were Glen Cope of Aurora, Mo., incumbent Mark DeShon of Clarksdale, Mo., incumbent Dan Devlin of Edina, Mo., and Beth Schnitker of Middletown, Mo. Each will serve three-year terms. FCS Financial provides credit and financial […]

Trenton Elks

Trenton Elks Lodge to host Flag Day Ceremony

Trenton Elks Lodge 801 will host a Flag Day Ceremony at Moberly Park Saturday afternoon. Elks trustee Matt Roberts says the program will be held near the World War One Memorial at 2 o’clock. He reports every flag that has flown over the United States will be flown at the ceremony and the history of […]