Audit Graphic

Missouri State Auditor launches audit of Dent County

State Auditor Nicole Galloway announced that her office has begun a regularly scheduled audit of Dent County, located in south-central Missouri.  The county received a rating of “good” from the most recent state audit, issued in July 2019. “Audits can help local officials take steps to make government more efficient and effective for taxpayers,” Auditor […]

Emily Hartley photo courtesy Missouri Developmental Disabilities Council

Emily Hartley appointed to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights Advisory Committee for Missouri

Emily Hartley, Missouri Developmental Disabilities Council Deputy Director, was appointed to the Missouri Advisory Committee by the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, effective Feb. 18, 2022.   Advisory Committees have recently examined water affordability, school discipline disparities, policing practices, mental health and the criminal justice system, legal financial obligations, fair housing, hate crimes, voting rights, maternal […]

Generic Missouri Livestock Symposium Kirksville

Missouri Livestock Symposium accepting applications for Missouri Livestock Achievement Award

The Missouri Livestock Symposium is currently accepting nominations for the new Missouri Livestock Achievement Award. The award recognizes an individual or organization demonstrating outstanding achievements and distinguished contributions to the livestock industry. Eligible applicants can be producers of livestock, agribusiness personnel, agency personnel, or agriculture educators in the state of Missouri. Other parties who have […]

Prison Sentence News Graphic

Missouri Couple sentenced to 35 years in prison for sexually assaulting children and producing child pornography

A Missouri, couple was sentenced in federal court for sexually assaulting two young children to produce child pornography, and for receiving and distributing child pornography. Mark John Millman, 37, a citizen of Great Britain and a legal alien resident, and his wife and co-defendant, Tara Sau Millman, 42, of Merriam Village, were sentenced in separate […]

Walsworth Website

Walsworth celebrates their 85th anniversary

Walsworth CEO Don O. Walsworth and President Don Walsworth announced that their family-owned company would be spending the rest of this year celebrating its 85th anniversary. Walsworth, one of the top book, magazine, and catalog printing companies in the U.S., unveiled plans for a series of events commemorating the company’s history, celebrating employees, and looking […]

Coronavirus or COVID-19 Testing news graphic

Missouri policy allows pharmacists to provide easier access to free or low-cost COVID-19 testing

A standing order was issued Tuesday by Missouri’s State Epidemiologist, Dr. George Turabelidze, which entitles individuals to receive coverage for purchased tests for SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. This policy authorizes Missouri pharmacies to charge an individual’s insurance carrier, whether it is private insurance, Medicaid, or Medicare coverage, for COVID-19 testing. “Those without a healthcare […]

Forfeiture news graphic (Image via Adobe Stock Images)

Missouri State Auditor releases 2021 law enforcement federal forfeiture reports

Missouri State Auditor Nicole Galloway has released her office’s compilation of 2021 federal forfeiture reports. Law enforcement agencies that participate in the federal asset forfeiture system must file information regarding federal seizures and proceeds with the State Auditor’s Office. Law enforcement agencies can seize money and property from individuals and organizations involved in illegal activities. […]