Photo of turkeys courtesy Missouri Department of Conservation

Missouri Department of Conservation reports spring turkey season ends with 41,454 birds harvested

Preliminary data from the Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) shows that turkey hunters checked 38,730 birds during Missouri’s 2020 regular spring turkey season, April 20 through May 10. Top harvest counties were Franklin with 899 birds harvested, Callaway with 699, and Laclede with 651. Young turkey hunters also harvested 2,724 birds during the 2020 spring […]

Missouri Capital Building Jefferson City

A breakdown of CARES Act funding by county

Should Governor Mike Parson approve, direct CARES Act funding will go to each county, as allocated by the state. Funds allocated for counties in the Green Hills area are $1,058,226 for Caldwell, $971,175 for Daviess, $1,155,602 for Grundy, $979,856 for Harrison, $1,398,454 for Linn, $1,786,431 for Livingston, $424,346 for Mercer, $550,935 for Putnam and $714,361 […]