Rape news graphic

Galt man faces 10 felony counts, including rape and attempted rape, as well as endangering a child

A Galt resident has been charged with 10 felony counts, including rape or attempted rape, endangering the welfare of a child, and unlawful use of a weapon, stemming from January. The Grundy County Sheriff’s Office reports 39-year-old Brian White was arrested Monday, September 21, and faces two counts of rape or attempted rape—aggravated sexual offense, […]


Daviess County authorities, highway patrol respond to large party near Jameson involving minors, alcohol and a gun

Late Saturday night, the Daviess County Sheriff’s Office received information about a large underage party near Jameson. Daviess County Deputies, along with a Missouri State Highway Patrol Trooper responded. As a result, the Daviess County Sheriff’s Office made 5 arrests for minors being visibly intoxicated/minors in possession of alcohol.  Those individuals were released with a […]

Gallatin Police Department

Gallatin Police Department releases information on recent incidents resulting in arrests

The Gallatin Police Department has released information on recent incidents that resulted in arrests. One involved officers being dispatched to the Rest Easy Apartments on East Grand Street in reference to an intoxicated subject. The police report 22-year-old Amanda Moreland of Gallatin was arrested on possession of marijuana and unlawful possession of drug paraphernalia. This […]

Court News graphic

Court news for Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Among cases Tuesday in the Associate Division of Grundy County Circuit Court. Jeremiah Lynn Burnett waived a preliminary hearing and was bound over to the docket Thursday for Division One of the circuit court. Burnett faces felony charges of first and second-degree burglaries; felony property damage; and misdemeanor 2nd degree tampering with a motor vehicle […]