Hay and Grazing with cattle in pasture

USDA announces changes to emergency haying and grazing provisions

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Farm Service Agency has announced changes for emergency haying and grazing of acres enrolled in the Conservation Reserve Program. This includes changes outlined in the 2018 Farm Bill that streamlines the authorization process for farmers and ranchers. “FSA authorizes emergency haying and grazing of Conservation Reserve Program acres under certain […]

Seeds from China Final

Missouri Department of Agriculture asks residents to report unsolicited seed shipments

The Missouri Department of Agriculture has received reports from residents of unsolicited seeds being delivered from foreign countries such as China and the surrounding areas. Missouri’s announcement follows several states who have also reported packages of these seeds being delivered across the United States. Consistent with nationwide reports, the packages were labeled as jewelry, specifically […]

Measuring a cow's weight

University Missouri Extension pilots beef record-keeping project

The University of Missouri Extension began a three-year project in March to help beef producers improve whole-herd record-keeping. MU Extension specialists in Columbia, Albany, and Savannah worked with three northwestern Missouri producers to record and compare whole-herd production data, said livestock specialist Shawn Deering. By comparing individual and herd data to regional and national standards, […]

Great seal of Missouri and US Flag with money

Missouri invests in meat & poultry supply chain

Governor Mike Parson and Missouri Director of Agriculture Chris Chinn announced the creation of the Missouri Meat & Poultry Processing Grant in an effort to quickly increase food supply chain resilience in our state. Established by the General Assembly through this year’s budget process, $20 million in CARES Act Funds will be directed to meat & […]