Trenton Municipal Utilities (TMU) or Trenton City Hall

Trenton Utility Committee to recommend minimum cash reserves for electric, water and sewer departments

Views: 0Trenton’s Utility Committee will recommend minimum cash reserves for each of the three departments of Trenton Municipal Utilities: electric, water, and sewer. Utility committee members, two councilmen, the Mayor, and other city officials reviewed financial information based on an April 2018 audit. The purpose of having minimum cash reserves is to have enough money […]

Workshop news graphic

Workshops to offer help on hiring, retaining farm workers

Views: 0 The University of Missouri Extension will hold workshops throughout the state on how to attract and keep quality farm laborers. “This one-day workshop was developed by MU Extension to help you improve your labor management and finances and protect your business,” says MU Extension agricultural economist Ryan Milhollin. Attendees will learn tips to […]