Missouri Department of Conservation Website

Missouri Department of Conservation offers hunter education in schools despite COVID-19 challenges

COVID-19 presented considerable challenges to Missouri schools, staff, and students in 2020, including closures, cancellations, remote learning, and more. The pandemic also presented challenges to schools and instructors teaching the Missouri Department of Conservation’s (MDC) hunter education courses. “Many schools were closed for much of the year, which reduced the number of kids who could […]

Former Missouri Republican Party Executive Director Jean Evans

Audio: Former Missouri GOP Party director says disturbing messages from Trump supporters led to her resignation

Former Missouri Republican Party Executive Director Jean Evans says she resigned a few weeks early. Her term expired this month. Evans tells Missourinet she made the decision after getting troubling messages from Trump supporters trying to keep him in the White House. “The calls were becoming increasingly angry and demanding and threatening – never to […]

Missouri Governor Mike Parson

Audio: Governor Parson reacts to investigative report into recent COVID deaths at Missouri veterans homes

Missouri’s governor said Thursday in Jefferson City that he wants some answers, after reading a 53-page independent investigation into recent COVID deaths at Missouri veterans homes. Governor Mike Parson ordered the investigation, which was conducted by St. Louis-based Armstrong Teasdale. The governor emphasizes that he’s limited in what he can say because he doesn’t know […]

Sebrina Barret Photo Courtesy of University of Missouri Extension

4-H can help open doors for you in future endeavors

Sebrina Barrett credits Missouri 4-H for her career path in advocacy and organizational leadership. “It’s no surprise that I am running an association,” said Barrett, executive director of the Association for Community Living, an organization of not-for-profit agencies in New York State that provide housing and rehabilitation services to people with psychiatric disabilities. Barrett grew […]