Legal Assistance

Free legal assistance is available to elegible Missourians

Free legal assistance is available to Missourians who need help with disaster-related issues such as home repair contracts and contractors; life, medical and property insurance claims; FEMA applications and appealing FEMA decisions. Missouri residents can call 800-829-4128 to leave a message about legal issues arising from recently sustained damage from severe storms, flooding, and tornadoes […]

Cows a a fair

Beat the heat from farm to fair with these tips

Fair season and heat put three key groups at risk of heatstroke: livestock, their owners and spectators. Timing and flexibility are critical when transporting animals to and from the fair, says Daniel Mallory, University of Missouri livestock field specialist. Take animals to the fair early in the morning when temperatures are cooler so animals remain […]

Missouri flag with money

J. Eggleston to chair committee on oversight of local taxation

Speaker Elijah Haahr, R-Springfield, announced the creation of the Interim Committee on Oversight of Local Taxation. Haahr formed this interim committee to evaluate how local governments are determining taxes and are impacted by current tax policy. “Missourians across the state have raised serious concerns on how counties access property tax values and the fairness of […]

Heart Health

Governor Parson takes action to curb rising healthcare premiums for Missourians

Governor Mike Parson signed Executive Order 1913, creating the Missouri Health Insurance Innovation Task Force. The Governor’s action aims to curb rising healthcare premiums and increase access and competition in health insurance markets for all Missourians. It is imperative that the State of Missouri develop comprehensive and innovative ways to transform the health insurance market […]

MoDOT opens road to traffic

Route 10 now open west of Norborne

As one east/west route opens, two north/south routes look to remain closed for an extended period. Missouri Route 10 west of Norborne reopened to traffic today after water receded and crews from the Missouri Department of Transportation completed minor repairs and debris removal. Receding water doesn’t always mean a roadway can reopen, though. Travelers who […]

Poaching graphic

Penalties increase for poaching in the state of Missouri

The Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) and the Missouri legislature and governor have taken actions to increase penalties for those caught poaching Missouri game animals and other native wildlife species.  Missouri Governor Michael Parson signed HB260 into law July 11. Called the Poaching Bill, it significantly raises fines for those convicted of illegally taking Missouri […]

Cow and cattle herd

Five ways to help cows beat the summer heat

As summer temperatures rise, dairy animals benefit from heat abatement, says Joe Zulovich, a University of Missouri Extension specialist in livestock housing systems. Lactating cows face the most risk from heat, says Zulovich. Dry cows and pre-weaned calves also fare better with heat abatement systems in place. Heat abatement systems are economically beneficial for dairy […]

Flood of 2019

Federal disaster declaration granted for 20 counties in Missouri

A major federal disaster declaration has been approved today for 20 Missouri counties damaged by flooding, tornadoes and severe storms this spring. In a press release today from Governor Mike Parson’s office, it says President Trump’s declaration makes the federal Individual Assistance program available to eligible residents in Andrew, Atchison, Boone, Buchanan, Carroll, Chariton, Cole, […]