Missouri Coronavirus

Twelve Months Later: Despite pandemic, Missouri moved forward

Since the first presumptive positive COVID-19 case was detected in Missouri one year ago, Governor Mike Parson and his administration have worked continuously to combat the virus, keep Missourians safe, and move Missouri’s economy forward.  “Since COVID-19 struck Missouri one year ago, we have worked nonstop to take a balanced approach, fight the virus, and […]

Vaccine Distribution or Covid-19 or Coronavirus

Missouri pharmacies to receive prioritized shipments of COVID-19 vaccine through new State Pharmacy Program

Governor Mike Parson announced that pharmacies across Missouri will begin receiving prioritized shipments of the COVID-19 vaccine through a new State Pharmacy Program.  “With vaccine supply continuing to increase and more Missourians becoming eligible, we will now begin shipping vaccines to pharmacies in all regions and communities throughout the state,” said Governor Parson. “Local pharmacies are […]

Missouri Governor Mike Parson

Governor Parson announces release of remaining $280 million in general revenue restrictions

Governor Mike Parson announced the release of the remaining $280,783,940 in FY21 general revenue restrictions.  “Thanks to our balanced approach to COVID-19, Missouri is in a much better position than what was originally projected,” Governor Parson said. “Our economy continues to come back strong, and we’re pleased to be able to release the remainder of these funds […]

Pasture with stone wall

University of Missouri study looks at nitrogen products for pastures

University of Missouri Extension forage researchers studied the effects of treated urea products on soil fertility, forage yield, and quality.  This information can help producers control risk on nitrogen investments, improve tall fescue forage yields and improve water quality. MU Extension specialist Ryan Lock led the study to evaluate commercial nitrogen products in unbiased, replicated […]

Coronavirus Stimulus Payment Graphic

Audio: Missouri U.S. House of Representatives respond to stimulus package passed on Saturday

A one-point-nine-trillion-dollar pandemic relief package heads to the U-S Senate after approval by the Democratic-controlled U.S. House.     The plan featuring $1,400 stimulus checks passed early Saturday with no Republican support. Missouri GOP Congresswoman Vicky Hartzler says it’s “serving as an excuse to spend our tax money on unnecessary things completely unrelated to the […]

Missouri Department of Conservation Website

Missouri Department of Conservation offers hunter education in schools despite COVID-19 challenges

COVID-19 presented considerable challenges to Missouri schools, staff, and students in 2020, including closures, cancellations, remote learning, and more. The pandemic also presented challenges to schools and instructors teaching the Missouri Department of Conservation’s (MDC) hunter education courses. “Many schools were closed for much of the year, which reduced the number of kids who could […]