Apply Missouri helps students find ‘best fit’ for college

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More than 130 Missouri high schools are participating in the Apply Missouri program this fall to help students submit college applications and prepare for education beyond high school. Approximately 19,890 high school seniors will be impacted by this year’s program.

High school staff, assisted by volunteers with college advising and admissions experience, work with seniors during the school day to research colleges and programs of study, complete college essays, and to submit admissions applications to one or more colleges or universities they are interested in attending.

Many Apply Missouri high schools also offer individual college advising and host assemblies, college fairs, and other activities to help students find their “best fit” for higher education.

Apply Missouri helps remove some of the barriers students may have in submitting college applications,” said Zora Mulligan, Missouri commissioner of higher education. “The program outlines the importance of continuing education beyond high school, and gives students the opportunities to research, apply, and make a plan that works best for them with the help and guidance of their counselor during the actual school day.”

Now in its sixth year, Apply Missouri is sponsored by the Missouri Department of Higher Education. With 136 schools this year, program participation has increased more than 54 percent since 2016. The department provides free training and resources to help participating high schools host a successful event.

The program is open to all students but focuses on providing assistance to low-income students, students underrepresented in higher education, and students who would be the first in their families to attend college.

For more information about the Apply Missouri program and to see a full list of participating high schools, visit THIS WEBSITE.  

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