Livingston County Library

Livingston County Library gets new Director; Candy Warren to be Coordinator of Teen Services

The Livingston County Library of Chillicothe will have a new director. Sue Lightfoot-Horine has been appointed to the position by the library’s board of trustees and will replace current director Candy Warren, starting August 1st. Lightfoot-Horine was the Carrollton Public Library director for 13 years. She has a master’s degree in Business Administration and experience […]

Tractor mowing hemp on hemp farm

Missouri industrial hemp amendments approved

The Missouri Department of Agriculture announced federal approval of the state’s amendment to the Industrial Hemp Plan. With the approval, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Agriculture Marketing Service affirmed that Missouri’s amended plan complies with federal law and regulations.  The entire amended Missouri State Plan can be reviewed here.  Key changes include: Increasing the pre-harvest window […]

Missouri Department of Health and Senior Service partners with agencies to ensure vaccine for the homebound

The Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services announced a partnership between the Area Agencies on Aging, local public health agencies, and Emergency Medical Services to ensure homebound adults have a streamlined and accessible vaccination experience across the state. Understanding that various communities have already developed a plan for vaccinating homebound individuals in their area, […]

Stop (Child) (Sexual) abuse

Legislation introduced that would improve reporting of child abuse deaths, prevent future fatalities

U.S. Senators Roy Blunt (Mo.) and Sherrod Brown (Ohio) introduced bipartisan legislation to require states to report data on all child abuse-related deaths and develop recommendations to prevent child abuse deaths from occurring in the first place. The senators’ bill would provide policymakers and public health officials with a clearer picture of the number of […]