Childcare Center from Unsplash website

‘Won’t be able to survive’: Childcare centers serving low-income Missourians face closure

(Missouri Independent) – Cortaiga Collins doesn’t know how much longer her childcare center will survive. Only about a dozen children have been attending regularly amid the pandemic. Under normal circumstances, she used to serve as many as 100.  She’s already had to reduce the hours that Good Shepherd Preschool and Infant/Toddler Center in St. Louis […]

Audit Graphic

Audit of Medicaid Managed Care Program in Missouri finds millions wasted on Medicaid payments for ineligible beneficiaries

Missouri State Auditor Nicole Galloway today released an audit of the Department of Social Services’ (DSS) Medicaid Managed Care Program, which found system limitations that resulted in millions of dollars in potential overpayments on behalf of ineligible participants. “At a time when every dollar is being stretched to deliver vital services to Missourians, state government […]

Amendment 3: Missouri with checkmark graphic

Voters repeal Clean Missouri redistricting plan they enacted in 2018

(Missouri Independent) – Missouri voters on Tuesday repealed a constitutional amendment they enacted in 2018 that would have required legislative districts be drawn to ensure partisan fairness. They replaced it with one that critics contend could forgo the use of total population to draw districts and instead exclude all non-voters, specifically children and non-citizens — tilting the political […]

Coronavirus Update

Sullivan County Health Department confirms seven new cases of COVID-19

Sullivan County Health Department has confirmed seven additional positive cases of COVID-19 in Sullivan County.  Currently, Sullivan County sits at a total of four hundred and thirty-three cases, with zero active probable cases, four deaths, and ninety-seven active cases. The positive cases have been determined to be community-related.  To maintain confidentiality, no other information will […]

2020 Elections vote

Missouri Election Day FAQ: What you need to know to make sure your vote counts

(Missouri Independent) – Across Missouri, local election officials have received 628,395 mail-in and absentee ballots, according to the Secretary of State’s Oct. 27 report.  Already, that’s more than twice the total absentee ballots counted in the November 2016 election. While many Missourians have already voted by mail or in-person absentee, many more will head out […]