Shipping Dock or Export (cargo ship being loaded)

Corn and wheat export sales hit marketing year lows

The USDA says export sales numbers for most major commodities declined during the week ending February 18th.  Corn and wheat were driven to new marketing year lows following cancellations by unknown destinations, possibly China, while soybean sales dropped also following cancellations by an unknown destination. China also canceled on U.S. beef and while it was […]

Vaccine Distribution or Covid-19 or Coronavirus

Audio: Next phase of COVID-19 plan, beginning March 15, includes teachers, faculty and staff in Missouri schools

The next tier of Missouri’s coronavirus vaccination plan will be activated on March 15. That means all teachers, faculty, and staff in public, private, and nonprofit pre-K-12 will become eligible. So will state-licensed childcare center workers, some food production employees, as well as grocery and convenience stores workers. Missouri is currently vaccinating residents in Phase […]

Josh Hawley official Congressional photo

Senator Josh Hawley introduces alternative to minimum wage hike, a pay raise through tax credits

U.S. Senator Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) announced he will introduce new legislation to give blue-collar workers a pay raise. For nearly four decades, workers making below the median wage have experienced stagnant wages, and this past year, the problem has been made worse by unprecedented layoffs, reduced hours, and income disruptions due to the government shutting down […]

Eaglepicher Technologies website (built mars rover batteries)

Made in Missouri: Batteries that power Mars rover, Perseverance, made in Joplin

The new Mars rover is powered by batteries manufactured by EaglePicher Technologies in Joplin, Missouri. There were 14 EaglePicher silver-zinc batteries on the Atlas V launch rocket. Two of the company’s thermal batteries powered the spacecraft during entry, descent, and landing stages, including igniting the pyrotechnics that opened parachutes. The rover’s main power system consists […]