Cows a a fair

Beat the heat from farm to fair with these tips

Fair season and heat put three key groups at risk of heatstroke: livestock, their owners and spectators. Timing and flexibility are critical when transporting animals to and from the fair, says Daniel Mallory, University of Missouri livestock field specialist. Take animals to the fair early in the morning when temperatures are cooler so animals remain […]

Federal Emergency Management Agency

FEMA agrees to Missouri’s request to consider expanding disaster assistance to 21 additional counties

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) agreed to the state of Missouri’s request to consider expanding last week’s federal disaster declaration. FEMA agreed to reevaluate the request for inclusion of 21 counties that were denied federal assistance on July 9. FEMA agreed to do the following:  Conduct new damage assessment with the State Emergency Management […]

Heart Health

Governor Parson takes action to curb rising healthcare premiums for Missourians

Governor Mike Parson signed Executive Order 1913, creating the Missouri Health Insurance Innovation Task Force. The Governor’s action aims to curb rising healthcare premiums and increase access and competition in health insurance markets for all Missourians. It is imperative that the State of Missouri develop comprehensive and innovative ways to transform the health insurance market […]

Missouri Income Tax Form

State Auditor requests Governor Parson take action with Department of Revenue on Missouri tax refunds

In a letter sent today to Gov. Mike Parson, State Auditor Nicole Galloway asked the Governor to take action to help thousands of Missourians who are still waiting for their tax refunds, often after months of delay. Auditor Galloway referenced recent media reports in which the Department of Revenue stated more than 70,000 Missourians are waiting […]

Unemployment Benefits Graphic

Disaster Declaration allows for unemployment benefits if job was lost due to disaster

When President Donald Trump granted a major disaster declaration in 20 Missouri counties, including Livingston, Carroll, and Chariton in the northern Missouri area, that decision allows residents whose jobs were lost or interrupted to apply for up to 36 weeks of disaster unemployment assistance. The declaration spans from severe storms and flooding from April 29 […]

Chillicothe FFA Members attend HYMAX Academy

Chillicothe FFA members attend HYMAX Academy

One hundred members from across Missouri attended the Annual HYMAX Academy from June 14 – June 16, 2019. HYMAX, Helping Youth Maximize their Agricultural eXperience, is a prestigious State Leadership Academy sponsored by the Missouri FFA Association and held at Camp Rising Sun, located within the Lake of the Ozarks State Park. The 2019 HYMAX […]