Grundy County Commission accepting bids for snow removal; accepting applications for full-time employee

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The Grundy County Commission is seeking bids for snow removal and ice melt application. It is also accepting applications for a full-time Road and Bridge Department employee.

The snow removal involves at the courthouse and Old Jail entrances and sidewalks as well as the sidewalks, entrances, and parking spaces at the Law Enforcement Center for this winter season.

Bids should list the cost per snow removal occurrence per location. They should also include the cost of applying snowmelt only for instances where no snow removal is necessary and a list of equipment to be used for snow removal.

Bid sheets can be picked up at the Grundy County Clerk’s Office. Bids will be accepted at the county clerk’s office until the morning of October 20th at 9 o’clock.

Contact the county clerk’s office for more information at 660-359-4040 extension 4.

For the Road and Bridge employee position, someone with welding skill, a Class B commercial driver’s license, and experience operating construction equipment and trucks is preferred. The salary will be paid according to skills.

Applications are available at the Grundy County Clerk’s Office and will be accepted until the position is filled.

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