Missouri Secretary of State John Ashcroft website

Missouri Secretary of State seeks $125,000 in penalties after company allegedly defrauds investors

The Missouri Secretary of State, Securities Division ordered Cryotherm USA, Inc., John (Jianxin) Wang, and Dennis R. Di Ricco to cease and desist after allegedly issuing more than $2 million in unregistered, non-exempt promissory notes. Between December 1, 2015, and October 31, 2020, the Florida-based Cryotherm USA allegedly sold the promissory notes through a Las Vegas, […]

4H Drive to Feed Kids

Missouri 4-H clubs reach food drive milestone

4-H clubs across Missouri have raised more than three-quarters of a million meals to feed hungry families over the last three years. The third annual 4-H Feeding Missouri food drive, in partnership with Missouri Farmers Care Drive to Feed Kids, ran from Jan. 1 through April 30. Even though COVID-19 limited in-person drives, fundraising, volunteer […]

Missouri State Highway Patrol Website New 2021 (MSHP)

Missouri State Highway Patrol now testing for new troopers

The Missouri State Highway Patrol is testing for new troopers. The Patrol is encouraging qualified individuals of all backgrounds to apply and will offer testing at nine different locations in Missouri. Those who successfully complete testing will be eligible to continue in the selection process for the 113th Recruit Class, scheduled to begin training on […]

Dog fight or Dogfighting news graphic

Four plead guilty to multi-state dogfighting conspiracy

Four defendants pleaded guilty to federal dogfighting and conspiracy charges for their roles in an interstate dogfighting network across the District of Columbia, Maryland, Virginia, and New Jersey. The Honorable John A. Gibney Jr., U.S. District Judge in Richmond, Virginia, accepted the following pleas: On June 1, Odell S. Anderson Sr., 52, of the District […]

Tractor mowing hemp on hemp farm

Missouri industrial hemp amendments approved

The Missouri Department of Agriculture announced federal approval of the state’s amendment to the Industrial Hemp Plan. With the approval, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Agriculture Marketing Service affirmed that Missouri’s amended plan complies with federal law and regulations.  The entire amended Missouri State Plan can be reviewed here.  Key changes include: Increasing the pre-harvest window […]

Unemployment Graphic

Missouri Governor says federal unemployment programs have given public incentive to stay out of the workforce

Saying that there’s a labor shortage across Missouri, Governor Mike Parson (R) has issued a directive to the state Department of Labor and Industrial Relations to end all federal pandemic-related unemployment benefits. Missouri’s House Democratic Leader is blasting the decision. Governor Parson made the announcement during a Tuesday afternoon briefing at the Statehouse in Jefferson […]

Missouri Department of Health and Senior Service partners with agencies to ensure vaccine for the homebound

The Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services announced a partnership between the Area Agencies on Aging, local public health agencies, and Emergency Medical Services to ensure homebound adults have a streamlined and accessible vaccination experience across the state. Understanding that various communities have already developed a plan for vaccinating homebound individuals in their area, […]

Senator Roy Blunt

Lawmakers sponsor legislation to prevent IRS from being used as political weapon against citizens

U.S. Senator Roy Blunt (Mo.) announced that he and other lawmakers are co-sponsors of legislation to prevent the Internal Revenue Service from being used as a political weapon against American citizens. “People across Missouri are rightly concerned about the kind of government overreach and political targeting we’ve seen from the IRS in the past,” said […]