Audio: Missouri inches closer to restricting four day school weeks

Four (4) day school week news graphic
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(Missourinet) – With three weeks left to go in the Missouri Legislature’s session, lawmakers continue to work on an effort to restrict four-day school weeks. About 160 of Missouri’s more than 500 school districts are using the shortened week model – most are rural districts. A Missouri House committee is considering whether to require districts with more than 30 thousand residents to go back to holding school five days a week, unless local voters say otherwise.

Dale Herl, superintendent of the Independence School District, wants lawmakers to grandfather in larger districts, like his, which are currently operating four days a week or plan to next school year.



“The plan also includes remedial instruction for students that are a grade level or more behind their peers on those Mondays, tutoring at all grade levels, enrichment activities, and college classes for our high school students on those Mondays. We are also offering child care for our parents at a reduced cost,” says Herl. “We have already amended our salary schedules for next year and issued contracts to our employees.”

State Senator Doug Beck, who has been leading the effort to move back to five-day school weeks, says going to school five days a week is critical to student learning.

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