Audio: Missouri experiences first Cyber Monday with online sales tax

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(Missourinet) – Cyber Monday this year was a little more expensive for Missourians shopping online.



For the first time, Missouri residents had to pay sales taxes on Cyber Monday purchases, due to a state law passed two years ago that didn’t take effect until January 1 of this year. The so-called “Wayfair Tax” allows local governments in Missouri to collect sales taxes on online purchases from out-of-state retailers that sell more than $100,000 a year in tangible goods. It also allows Missouri-based businesses to better compete with out-of-state internet businesses.

The law is named after the U-S Supreme Court case “South Dakota versus Wayfair,” in which the High Court ruled that states can’t be barred from collecting sales taxes from businesses with no physical presence in that state.

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Marshall Griffin

Marshall says his former job as State Capitol Reporter for St. Louis Public Radio has taught him the most. He had to learn first-hand about everything involved in how an idea becomes a bill and, in the end, a new law – and how to communicate that process to the listening audience.