Multiple Interactive Learning Objectives Training Simulator

Video: Chillicothe Police Department conducts MILO training

The Chillicothe Police Department conducted training with the Multiple Interactive Learning Objectives Training Simulator this week. The department reports MILO is a response to a resistance training tool, which simulates real-life, potentially fatal situations law enforcement officers encounter on duty. Participants are equipped with tools officers would normally find on their duty belt, including a […]

Deputy Leadbetter and K-9 Zaki

Deputy Leadbetter and K-9 Zaki attend national conference

Livingston County Sheriff’s Department reports Officer Nicholas Leadbetter and K-9 Zaki attended a national conference. The Handler Instruction and Training Seminar K-9 Conference in Chicago, Illinois is designed and provided by K-9 handlers for K-9 handlers of different skill levels and sizes of agencies. Leadbetter attended multiple training classes on various topics taught by experts […]

School Safety news graphic

Students will be safer as required background checks on school volunteers becomes state law

A new state law will help protect children at their schools as beginning August 28, school volunteers will be required to undergo criminal background checks before being left alone with children. Auditor Galloway pushed for the new law after her audit of the state’s sexual offender registration program found background checks were mandatory for school employees, […]

William Derek Williams

Former Cameron High School teacher pleads guilty to using hidden camera to produce child pornography

 A former Cameron, Missouri, high school teacher pleaded guilty in federal court to secretly recording pornographic videos of a teenage victim in his bathroom and admitted to secretly recording pornographic videos of two other teenage victims. William Derek Williams, 39, of Cameron, pleaded guilty before U.S. District Judge Howard F. Sachs to producing child pornography. […]