North Central Missouri Fair kicks off in Trenton today

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This is the first day of activities at the North Central Missouri Fair in Trenton.

Activities include entering exhibits at the Trenton Rock Barn; the fair parade, a barbecue, courtyard vendors, and inflatables. Exhibits may be taken to the Rock Barn between 8 am and 1:30 pm for entry in the junior or senior divisions as well as horticulture and creative activities. Judging is scheduled after items are entered with the Rock Barn opening at 5 pm.

The fair parade begins at 5 pm, will assemble in the high school parking lot, and will follow the usual fair-time route. From Normal Street, the parade turns left onto 17th Street and goes to Main, then south on Main to 9th Street where a left turn will be made at the intersection with the parade concluding at Bulldog Avenue and Eastside Park.  BeBoppin Dave will broadcast the parade when it rolls by 9th Street and Main. The parade theme is “Fairadise.”

At the most recent count, 26 vendors are anticipated in the courtyard. The fine arts room, in the southeast corner of the courtyard, also will open tonight from 5 to 9 pm.

With a carnival unable to come to Trenton, the North Central Missouri Fair reports CFM Insurance arranged for inflatables to be at the fairgrounds.  These are to be available from after the parade until 9 o’clock tonight and are free of charge.

Trenton FFA and alumni barbecue will be at the fairgrounds starting at 6 pm. The cost is $7.00 per plate. More events are scheduled for Wednesday through Saturday.

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