May weather summary shows temperatures near normal and precipitation below normal

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Most of the month of May in Trenton had high temperatures that were either considerably above normal or considerably below normal; however, when averaging all 31 days together, highs were almost exactly normal.

Lows were mostly near normal the first week of May, but then mostly above average the remainder of the month. As a result, lows, for the entire month, were 3.6 degrees above normal.

Combined highs averaged 74.5 degrees while combined lows averaged 57.20 degrees.

Highs reached the lower 90s on four consecutive days on May 9th through 12th. The warmest temperature was 92 degrees on May 12th and one day earlier, the 91-degree high tied a record high for May 11th in Trenton.

The coldest temperature during May in Trenton was 41 degrees on May 22nd.

Rainfall in May totaled 3.13 inches at the water plant in Trenton where daily temperature readings and precipitation totals are taken for the National Weather Service. The University of Missouri weather station, located on the Barton Farm Campus of North Central Missouri College had a similar monthly rainfall total of 3.20 inches.

The 3.13 inches last month at the water plant was 2.37 inches below normal for the month of May in Trenton. For the year, Trenton was 1.59 inches below normal precipitation through the end of May. Rainfall measured after 7 am Tuesday morning goes on the June 1st total.

The National Weather Service’s Climate Prediction Center, entering May, said above-normal precipitation was favored in our area in May which turned out to be wrong

Below normal temperatures were slightly favored in May along the Missouri-Iowa line northward; however, in areas to the south, equal chances were given for above, below, or near-normal temperatures. In reality, high temperatures in Trenton averaged almost exactly normal while lows averaged 3.6 degrees above normal.

Looking at June projections, the Climate Prediction Center says below normal temperatures are slightly favored in our area. Above normal rainfall is slightly favored during June in northwest Missouri.

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