Free kids fishing derby in Chillicothe this June

Kids Fishing Derby
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The North Missouri Sportsman’s Alliance and Missouri Department of Conservation will host their annual Kids Fishing Derby next month. The Livingston County Veterans Association will also help host the event at the pond on the north side of the Baptist Home in Chillicothe on June 1. Registration will start at 8:30 a.m., and the non-competitive derby will run from 9 a.m. to noon.

North Missouri Sportsman’s Alliance President Steve Shoot says children 15 years old and younger will receive free fishing tackle when they register. The MDC will provide fishing tackle and live bait to children without tackle.

MDC, Sportsman’s Alliance board members, and LICOVA volunteers will provide fishing assistance. Accompanying adults may also help children with their casting, but Shoot explains the organizations want participants to reel in their fish to shore.

Jersey’s Sports Grill and Murray’s Buffet and Grill of Chillicothe will provide a free lunch of hot dogs and chips for participants. Pepsi-Cola Bottling Company of Chillicothe will provide free drinks for participants and adults at the derby.

At the end of the event, there will be drawings in which more than $1,000 of fishing gear will be given away to participants.

The North Central Missouri Chapter of the National Wild Turkey Federation donated funds to support the fishing derby on June 1.

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