Trenton High School music students do well at competition in St. Joseph

Photo of Trenton High School building with the sign "Trenton High School" or THS
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Trenton High School music students performed well when the district solo and ensemble contests were held Saturday in St. Joseph.

Four of Trenton’s entries received ratings called “exemplary.” Two dozen Trenton entries were judged to be “outstanding.”

The exemplary ratings were awarded to Connor Campbell with a clarinet solo and Trent Villacampa with a vocal solo. The men’s quartet was rated exemplary. Members are Caleb Campbell, Connor Campbell, Victor Markell, and Trent Villacampa. Also with an exemplary rating is the double quartet composed of Maurissa Bonta, Connor Campbell, Levi Johnson, Faith Lee, Lydia Leininger, Victor Markell, Astrid Soriano, and Trent Villacampa.

Nine instrumental solos were rated outstanding and included Isaac Bonta and Alyssa Bunnell, and two entries by Shayla Chapman, Brett Kennedy, Victor Markell, Nick Smith, Josh Truitt, and Trent Villacampa. 13 vocalists received outstanding ratings for their solos. They are Isaac Bonta, Maurissa Bonta, Caleb Campbell, Connor Campbell, Brett Kennedy, Lydia Leininger, Victor Markell, Haley Schultz, Astrid Soriano, Lillian Spears, Noah Wecker, Ronnie Woods, and Kaytee Wright. Also rated outstanding from Trenton high school were the women’s sextet and a double quartet.

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