Spickard Board of Aldermen address sewer projects

Spickard, Missouri
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The Spickard Board of Aldermen approved ordinances adopting water and sewer rates as well as amending the budget this week. Each vote was three to zero with board member Charles Holtzclaw was absent.

The board approved replacing a sewer grinder pump control panel that Mayor Alan Tharp reported had failed. Irvinbuilt construction reported the cost of the needed repairs at the south pump station would be more than expected because there are several more than the two homes they were told were on the line.

The company already ordered about $2,500 of project materials. Irvinbuilt is willing to proceed with the project at the increased cost, break the contract and have Spickard buy the already purchased materials to store in city facilities or to see if the parts can be returned and have the city pay the restocking fees.

Another contractor said the project could be done for $5,000 with Tharp noting that contractor has been helpful in the past. Spickard would be responsible for the dirt work. The contractor would be able to leave one pump running while replacing one, then switch to replace the other.

Board member Wilbur Roberts reported a sewer leak on a property with a grinder pump. He also reported the control panel at the Main Street lift station has been examined by Roy Adams with Allied Systems and will be replaced. The board approved Troy George to dig the sewer line on the property with the leak and Robert Payne repair the leak.

Grundy County Public Water Supply District Number 1 is to fix the water tower on Thursday or Friday. The public water supply will fix it, and Spickard will pay for it, per a previous agreement.

Three water leaks were identified as top priorities: one behind the post office, one out of an embankment, and one downtown. Joe Anstine from the Missouri Rural Water Association can help identify the source of the leaks and where the lines connect to water mains. The downtown property owner where one leak was found gave the city permission to move brick and dig on his property to locate the leak. The board hired Troy George to dig for the water line repairs and Robert Payne to repair the leaks. Tharp was granted authority to make decisions for emergency repairs without prior board approval.

The contract with the Spickard Special Road District is expired. The past contract split the motor fuel tax 80/20 between the road district and the city. The fuel tax must be used to maintain the city’s roads.

The board voted to write a letter to request a meeting with the road district to discuss the contract and determine how to proceed with the road district’s May claim.

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