New water and Sewer rates to take effect on June 25, 2019 in Spickard

Generic City Water
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The Spickard Board of Aldermen has approved ordinances adopting water and sewer rates and an amended city budget.

The water rates include a minimum charge of $30.00 on 1000 gallons or less of water used and $16.50 cents for each additional 1000 gallons used. The ordinance says water is to be billed in 100-gallon increments for usage above the minimum charge.

The sewer rates show a base charge of $10.00 per month for a connection to the sewer system which does not include any water. The first 1000 of water used will be the base rate plus $9.00 which is called the tier one rate. The rate for all gallons over 1000 will be $9.50 per 1000. Sewer charges are to be billed in 100-gallon increments for all gallons over the tier one rate.

The new water and sewer rates in Spickard become effective with June 25th billing.

The amended Spickard city budget shows estimated revenues surpassing anticipated expenses by nearly $11,000 in the general fund with general fund expenses estimated at nearly $38,000.

Estimated revenues from water charges are about $75,000 with estimated revenues from sewer charges around $46,000. The sewer department is estimated to have a net income of $479.00 and the water department net income of about $89.00.

Aldermen Wilbur Roberts, Daniel Chapman, and Maggie George voted in favor of the ordinances, adopting the amended budget, and water and sewer rates. Alderman Charles Holtzclaw was absent.

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