September rainfall in Trenton among the lowest since 1970

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The September weather summary for Trenton shows above-average temperatures and considerably below-normal rainfall.

Combined highs in September were nearly three degrees above normal. Combined lows were two and one-half degrees above normal. Highs in September at Trenton averaged 81.7 degrees. Lows averaged 59.1 degrees. Highs reached the 90s on five days in September, including 91 degrees on Saturday, September 30th. That 91 was just one degree less than the September 30th record high at Trenton. The record is 92, established in 1937.

The warmest temperature last month at Trenton was 93 degrees on September 4th. The coolest temperature last month at Trenton was 48 degrees on September 18th. Rainfall in September totaled just 1.14 inches at the water plant in western Trenton, where official measurements for the community are taken for the National Weather Service. The 1.14 inches was the seventh smallest amount for September at Trenton since 1970 in precipitation records kept by KTTN.

There was slightly more rainfall last month elsewhere in Trenton. The Barton Farm Campus at the southeast edge of town had 1.77 inches, while Grundy County Emergency Management Director Glen Briggs had 1.36 inches at his residence on East 5th Street. KTTN, downtown, had less with just 0.89 inches for the month of September. Precipitation for the year at the water plant was slightly more than eight inches (8.07) below normal at the end of September.

The National Weather Service’s Climate Prediction Center, entering September, said above-normal temperatures and below-normal precipitation were favored for this area in September.

The outlook for October says above-normal temperatures are favored for this area. Equal chances are given for precipitation to be above, below, or near normal in October in North Missouri.

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