Nominations are being accepted for the Northeast Missouri Area Agency on Aging Board of Directors and Silver Haired Legislature delegates.
The Agency on Aging serves 16 counties, including Adair, Macon, and Schuyler. Board elections will be held in Adair County as well as nine other counties the board serves. Board members must be a resident of the county for which they are elected and have an interest in aging issues, needs, and programs. Elected board members will serve a three-year term and do not need to be 60 years old or older.
The Silver Haired Legislature is composed of elected representatives from Missouri. It holds a three-day session at the Capitol in Jefferson City each October to consider legislation of interest to older Missourians. Elections for one senator and three representatives will be held in the Northeast, Mark Twain, and Boonslick regions. The Northeast Region includes Adair and Schuyler counties. The Mark Twain Region includes Macon County.
Alternate senator and representative positions are open in the three regions. Silver Haired Legislature delegates must be at least 60 years old and reside in the area they represent.
Individuals interested in serving on the Northeast Missouri Area Agency on Aging Board of Directors and/or the Silver Haired Legislature should contact their local senior centers or the Northeast Missouri Area Agency on Aging for the appropriate forms at 660-665-4682 or 1-800-664-6338.
Forms will be accepted at the Agency on Aging Office at 815 North Osteopathy in Kirksville until April 12th.