Fourth of July Pet Safety: How to protect your dogs and cats from fireworks stress

Cat and Dog sitting in front of United State Flag
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The Fourth of July is a day filled with barbecues, sunshine, and fireworks. While fireworks may be exciting for some, they can be distressing for our furry friends. Loud noises and bright lights can cause anxiety, stress, and even prompt pets to run away. If you’re a pet owner looking to keep your dog or cat calm during the festivities, we’ve gathered expert advice to help you prepare and ensure their well-being without resorting to plagiarism.

Not all pets are bothered by fireworks, but for those who are, the experience can be overwhelming. According to Lisa Lippman, DVM, director of virtual medicine at Bond Vet, some pets can experience full-blown anxiety and may even harm themselves. Recognizing signs of distress is crucial as dogs and cats may exhibit various behaviors such as clinging to owners, destroying property, or attempting to escape.

There are multiple approaches you can take to help your pets feel safe during the Fourth of July celebrations. It’s essential to tailor your strategies based on your pet’s specific needs.

  1. Keep Your Pet Indoors: Dogs should be kept indoors, preferably behind a barrier like a baby gate or interior door, to prevent them from running outside. This also helps protect them from overheating and the overwhelming excitement of a large gathering.
  2. Create a Safe Space: Find a quiet room with minimal exposure to outside noise and equip it with familiar items like a cozy bed, toys, and fresh water. Adding white noise or calming music can help drown out the fireworks. Pheromone diffusers like Feliway® or Adaptil™ may provide additional stress relief.
  3. Address Noise Phobias: If your pet has a history of fear or stress from loud noises, consult your vet to discuss options like prescription medications, calming chews, environmental modifications, anxiety vests, and appeasing pheromones. Gradual desensitization to firework sounds through training can also help reduce fear.
  4. Ensure Up-to-Date Identification: Accidents can happen, so make sure your pet wears a collar with current contact information. Microchipping is an additional method of identification. Keep clear, up-to-date photos of your pets in case they go missing.
  5. Avoid Sharing People Food: While it may be tempting to share your feast with your pets, many common barbecue foods are unsafe for them. Ingredients like onions, garlic, grapes, and high-fat foods can be toxic and lead to severe medical complications. It’s best to avoid sharing food altogether.
  6. Keep Pets Away from Alcohol: Alcohol is toxic to dogs and cats and can cause organ failure or death. Ensure any products containing alcohol are kept out of your pets’ reach.
  7. Discourage Playing with Glow Sticks: Glow sticks may be popular, but they can be harmful if chewed or ingested. Symptoms like drooling, agitation, and vomiting can occur in dogs and cats exposed to the chemicals in glow sticks.
  8. Steer Clear of Citronella: Citronella products used as insect repellents can be irritants for pets. Burning citronella, ingesting candles, or coming into contact with the plant can cause respiratory issues, skin irritation, vomiting, and abdominal pain.
  9. Watch for Overheating: Hot and humid weather poses risks for pets. Provide shade and cool water, especially for brachycephalic pets or those with respiratory issues. Signs of overheating include heavy panting, labored breathing, drooling, red mucus membranes, and an increased heart rate.
  10. Be Cautious with Open Flames: Grilling should be kept away from pets to prevent accidents. Ensure pets stay at least 3 feet away from open flames. Smoke inhalation, toxic substances like lighter fluid, matches, and grease drippings can pose serious health risks.

There are many more actions you could take to ensure the safety of your pet, but, by taking these precautions and preparing ahead of time, you can ensure the safety and well-being of your pets while enjoying a fun-filled Fourth of July celebration.

(Photo via Adobe Stock Images)


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