District Governor presents program at Trenton Rotary Club meeting

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District 6040 Governor, Kent Shelman, presented the program at the Thursday, Jan. 5 meeting of the Trenton Rotary Club, held at the BTC Bank community room. Michael Ormsby presided and was the sergeant at arms, Dan Wilford gave the program and Don Purkapile was the program chairman.

Shelman has been a member of Rotary since 1989 and is a member of the Lee’s Summit Rotary Club. He recognized local members who have been involved in various Rotary activities over the years, including past district governors, Paul Harris Fellows, Rotary International donors, etc. He also recognized the club as a 100 percent Paul Harris Fellow club, one of only 13 clubs in the 52-club district that has such a designation. Shelman reviewed activities for the 2022-23 year, including the District Conference, which will be held in April at the Harry S. Truman Library in Independence. He also talked about various Rotary programs and how clubs and individuals can be involved.

During the business meeting, Drew Smith was inducted as a new member.

The program for the Jan. 12 meeting will be presented by David Critten, who will tell about his business, Landmark Manufacturing. The meeting will be held at noon in the BTC Bank community room.

Drew Smith, (right) inducted as new member of the Trenton Rotary Club. Also pictured is club president Michael Ormsby
Drew Smith, (right) was inducted as a new member of the Trenton Rotary Club. Also pictured is club president Michael Ormsby

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