Audio: Missouri bill would let terminally ill patients seek medically assisted suicide

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(Missourinet) – Could terminally ill Missouri patients access medically assisted suicide? 



A pre-filed Missouri House bill proposes allowing terminally ill patients to end their lives through medically assisted suicide. Named the ‘Marilyn Teitelbaum Death with Dignity Act,’ this bill honors a St. Louis woman who sought end-of-life care out of state after suffering from ALS. Democratic State Representative Ian Mackey of St. Louis sponsors the bill. Previous “right to die” proposals have failed in the Missouri Legislature.

The bill requires a physician to determine a patient’s competence through consultations and a written request for self-administered medication. Additionally, the patient must be a Missouri resident.

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Anthony Morabith

My previous jobs have taught me the importance of news. My last job I had the opportunity to run a news department in Alaska. There, I learned that people didn’t watch the television or read the newspaper, they only had access to the radio, in fact they depended on it for their daily living. Because news is so important when people still depend on broadcast radio, I learned the importance of reporting with accuracy, honesty and doing so without setting some sort of agenda.