Audio: Bright Futures Trenton back to school event set for August 10, 2023

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Students attending public schools in Grundy County are invited to the Bright Futures Trenton Grundy County Back to School Event on Aug. 10. The event will take place at various locations, including the First Assembly of God Church of Trenton and the Trenton High School Commons.

“Suds for Students” will be hosted at the First Assembly of God’s Activity Center from 4 to 7 p.m. Bright Futures Trenton Co-coordinator Terri Critten mentioned that the hygiene kits will contain essential items.



At the same location and time, the “New Soles for Bright Futures” initiative will allow students to pick a new pair of shoes. However, Bright Futures Advisory Board Member Kara Helmandollar emphasizes that students must be present to receive shoes.



Due to safety precautions, only a limited number of individuals will be allowed inside the activity center simultaneously.

For those unable to attend on Aug. 10, Helmandollar suggests reaching out to a school counselor or Critten to arrange an alternative time.

At the THS Commons, from noon to 6 p.m., recycled gym shoes will be available. Critten elaborated that parents are approached at the school year’s end to donate their children’s used gym shoes.



Tash Dowell, a member of the Event Plan Team, announced that Trenton Bulldog apparel would be up for grabs at “Pass the Pride” in the THS Commons from noon to 6 p.m.



Helmandollar added that information stations would be set up in the THS Commons for Trenton R-9 students to complete necessary applications and registrations.



Additionally, Bright Futures will assist families from all county schools in applying for the new “Food Pals” program.



The Aug. 10 Grundy County Back to School Event will also feature free clothing and shoes for all age groups at the Activity Center of the First Baptist Church of Trenton from 4 to 7 p.m. The Trenton Cinema will provide complimentary popcorn and soft drinks from 2 to 5 p.m., and other resources will be available at the First Christian Church of Trenton.

The Trenton Kiwanis Club, of which Helmandollar is a member, will host a cookout at the lower Moberly Park shelter house from 6 to 7 p.m., featuring hot dogs, chips, cookies, and beverages.

Helmandollar expressed her excitement about the cookout, stating:



The Trenton branch of the BTC Bank is sponsoring a pool party at the Trenton Family Aquatic Center from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.

For transportation needs, the First Student Bus Company will provide rides to and from the events. To make arrangements, individuals can contact the bus barn at 660-339-7227. Additionally, the Laredo School will offer transportation to the activities.

On Aug. 10, resources will be available for Grundy County public school students. Bright Futures Trenton will host the annual event at various venues, including the First Christian Church of Trenton. Here, backpacks and school supplies for Trenton R-9 and county Head Start students will be distributed in the church’s activity center from noon to 6 p.m. Dowell urges attendees to be patient due to potential restrictions on the number of people allowed inside simultaneously.

Laredo students can collect their backpacks and supplies at the Laredo School from noon to 3 p.m., while distribution for Spickard students will occur at the Spickard School from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Information regarding Grundy County R-5 students will be available on the school district’s website.

Dowell mentioned that various area agencies and organizations would have information booths at the First Christian Church Activity Center from noon to 6 p.m.



Anna Muselman, another Plan Team Member, stated that socks and underwear would also be available at the church activity center during the same hours.



Haircuts will be provided in the First Christian Church Fellowship Hall and Sunday School area from 3 to 7 p.m.



Muselman clarified that a lice check would be mandatory before receiving a haircut. Bright Futures Trenton requests that only one adult accompany each student for the haircut.

Other resources and events will be hosted at the First Assembly of God Church of Trenton, Trenton High School Commons, and Moberly Park.

For more details about the Aug. 10 Grundy County Back to School Event, visit the Bright Futures Trenton Facebook page.

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Jennifer Thies

Jennifer’s interest in radio began at a young age. She started as a news reporter at KTTN in January 2017, but previously worked almost a year and a half as an on-air announcer and with news at the NPR affiliate KXCV/KRNW, which serves Northwest Missouri. Jennifer was born and raised in St. Joseph, Missouri. She received a Bachelor of Science in Mass Media: Broadcast Production with an Emphasis in Audio Production from Northwest Missouri State University in Maryville.