Announcements from the Trenton R-9 Board of Education, Executive Session

Executive Action or session Trenton R-9 School Board
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Following an executive session, Tuesday night for personnel, the Trenton R-9 School District has announced the employment of Curtis Thorne of Trenton for the maintenance department.

A retirement was announced for Wendy Shuler as a Kindergarten teacher at Rissler Elementary School effective next June 30th. The district reported Kaylee Myers will resign as a third-grade teacher effective December 31st but will continue in the classroom as a “student” teacher to complete her education.

Several substitute employees also were approved by the Trenton R-9 Board of Education.

There are now four candidates for the Trenton R-9 Board of Education election. The most filings were by incumbent Andy Burress as well as Joshua Shuler. Filing earlier were incumbents Brandon Gibler and Jason Hostetler. Three are to be elected for terms that start next April.

The candidate filing period ends December 27th. The election is on April 4th.

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