Trenton Rotary Club learns about GHRA youth programs and summer events

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On Thursday, May 23, at the BTC Bank community room, Jackie Soptic presided over the meeting. Joe MacDonald gave the prayer, and Steve Taylor served as the sergeant at arms.

Program chairman Bruce Constant introduced Cara McClellan, treasurer of the GHRA, who discussed the organization and its activities. This year, 331 youth are participating in the GHRA summer T-ball, baseball, and softball programs, with games already underway at Van Meter Park, Moberly Park, Ebbe Sports Complex, and Burleigh Grimes Field. There are eight teams involved in T-Ball for youth ages 4 to 6. In baseball, leagues include Machine Pitch (7 to 8 years), Minor (9 to 10 years), Little League (11 to 12 years), and Junior-Senior (13 to 15 years). In softball, teams are divided into 8-year, 10-year, and 12-year age groups. Games will be played through the first week of June, with league tournaments scheduled for the rest of the month and into July. Trenton will host the Harrison County Little League Tournament from June 9-14. Trenton plays its regular season games in the Harrison County league. Additionally, Trenton will host an all-star tournament the week of July 8, featuring six 9-10-year-old teams and six 11-12-year-old teams from north Missouri.

The GHRA soccer program will also run this summer, with games played on four Saturdays in June at the soccer field near the NCM Fairgrounds. Many youth participating in this program are also involved in summer ball.

McClellan highlighted the numerous volunteers who coach the teams. The park board allows the GHRA to use the fields at no cost in exchange for the GHRA providing concession workers. The GHRA also supplies umpires and referees for the games.

In addition to the summer programs, GHRA offers flag football in the fall and basketball in the winter. Intramural volleyball for girls was added last year.

McClellan also acknowledged the many sponsors who help offset GHRA costs, enabling youth to participate in the programs at minimal cost. Scholarship opportunities are available for participants in need.

During the meeting, Jackie Soptic announced that the club would be responsible for putting up flags around the courthouse on Flag Day, June 14. A community fireworks show is planned in Trenton for July 4, and donations are currently being accepted. Donations may be left with Cole Soptic at Farmers State Bank, with checks made out to the Green Hills RDI and “fireworks” noted in the memo. The Rotary Club voted to donate $100 to the fireworks program and $331 to the GHRA.

An installation ceremony was held for LaTasha Cunningham, the club’s newest member. Cunningham works at Southern Bank of Trenton.

The program for the May 30 meeting of the Trenton Rotary Club will be presented by the Trenton R-9 School District Administrative Team. Daniel Gott is the program chairman.


LaTasha Cunningham, right, was installed as a new member of the Trenton Rotary Club

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