Trenton experiences below normal temeratures during March

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The March weather summary in Trenton shows that combined high temperatures were three and one-half degrees (3.6) below normal.

Combined highs in March averaged slightly over 49 degrees with the coldest day being March 18th when the high was just 25 degrees. Highs only reached the 30s on six days in March. The warmest temperature in Trenton in March was 76 degrees on the final day of the month.

Although highs averaged 3.6 degrees below normal during March in Trenton, combined low temperatures were right at normal averaging 33 degrees. The coldest temperature was eleven degrees on March 18th.

Rain and melted precipitation in March totaled 1.74 inches which is 88 hundredths of an inch below normal. It was the first time since October 2022 that Trenton had below-normal monthly precipitation. Rain and melted precipitation, for the year in Trenton, was 1.83 inches above normal entering April.

All of those figures are from the water plant in western Trenton where readings are taken for the National Weather Service.

Snowfall during March in Trenton included just two-tenths of an inch (.20) at the water plant, one-half inch in downtown measured by KTTN, and one-point-two inches (1.2) at

Grundy County Emergency Management Director Glen Brigg’s residence on East 5th Street.

Snowfall, for the season, totals 10-1/2 inches at the water plant and in downtown Trenton, and 12-1/2 at Emergency Management Director Briggs’s residence.

The official seasonal total of 10-1/2 inches is 9-1/2 below normal through March. The snowfall season is from October through April. Although snowfall in March was below average, there have been 22 years since 1970 with just a trace or no snow in Trenton.


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