Soil and Water Conservation Districts in Grundy, Sullivan, Putnam, and Linn counties seek nominations for board supervisors

Missouri Soil and Water Conservation Districts website
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Soil and Water Conservation Districts in Grundy, Sullivan, Putnam, and Linn counties will hold public nominations for their Boards of Supervisors through November 30.

Each county has four board members, all of whom are supervisors. These supervisors are volunteers serving four-year terms.

The University of Missouri Extension appoints one individual to oversee the distribution of the one-tenth of a percent Parks and Soil Tax in the state.

To qualify as a candidate for a Soil and Water Conservation District election, a resident must have been a land representative and a tax-paying citizen within the district for at least two years before the election date. Additionally, a candidate must be a cooperator of the district. This is defined as “someone actively engaged in farming and who practices conservation activities related to agriculture.” Moreover, a candidate should either reside in or own a farm in the same territory where the nominating committee is in charge.

Interested individuals should contact the local Soil and Water Conservation District office to nominate a candidate for the Board of Supervisors by November 30.

Elections will be held from February 1 through February 20.

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