Sliced Bread Innovation Center joins Livingston County Library’s virtual tour.

SBIC QR code Ed Douglas-Kirsten Mouton Sliced Bread Center to walking tour
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Livingston County Library has expanded its virtual tour offerings, now featuring over 20 buildings on its website. The latest addition is the Sliced Bread Innovation Center, formerly known as the Chillicothe Baking Company building. Those interested can access the tour by visiting the library’s website. Once there, navigate to the Virtual Services tab and scroll down to the QR code listed under Genealogy & Local History.

The Sliced Bread Innovation Center has been incorporated with a distinct QR code that directly links to its page on the tour. The dedicated page can be found by clicking or tapping this link.

For those exploring downtown, keep an eye out for QR codes displayed in windows. By scanning these codes with any QR code-reading app, many of which are available for free, visitors will be directed to the respective building’s page on the virtual tour.

A notable mention in the town’s baking history is Frank Bench’s first bakery, the Modern Steam Bakery. Its success was so immense that by 1921, Bench found the need to relocate to a larger building, choosing the corner of First and Elm Streets.

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