Newtown-Harris FFA to hold fundraiser to send four students to FFA Washington Leadership Conference

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The Newtown-Harris FFA is holding a fundraiser to raise money for four members to attend the FFA Washington Leadership Conference in Washington, DC.

The fundraiser will be held Saturday, March 18th at the Newtown-Harris School Gymnasium, and will include a meal. The meal will consist of pork loin, cheesy potatoes, green beans, fresh fruit, hot rolls, homemade pies, and drinks. The dinner will run from 5:00-6:30 p.m. with the auction beginning at 6:45.

Four members will be auctioned individually for eight hours of work. Other auction items include quilts, half a hog and processing, handmade items, desserts, shotgun, and much more. Past Newtown-Harris State FFA Degree Recipients will be honored.

Members attending the Washington Leadership Conference this summer, include Anna Fordyce, Payton Miller, Gauge MacGregor, and Jake Capps.

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