March weather warms up in Trenton with above average temperatures

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The March weather summary for Trenton includes above-normal temperatures and below-normal precipitation for the second month in a row. Combined highs in March averaged nearly 58 degrees, and combined lows averaged 38.2 degrees. Both of these figures were about five degrees above normal. Highs were in the 70s on six days during March in Trenton, with the warmest reaching 79 degrees on March 3rd. The coldest temperature last month was 22 degrees on March 18th.

Moisture in March totaled 1.77 inches at the water plant, where official readings for Trenton are taken for the National Weather Service. This was 0.84 inches below normal for March. Yearly rain and melted precipitation in Trenton through March totaled 4.23 inches, which was slightly more than one inch (1.02 inches) below normal for the year.

Since daily precipitation totals are recorded on a 7 a.m. to 7 a.m. basis, moisture after 7 a.m. on the final day of the month is recorded for the first day of the next month. While the water plant in western Trenton had 1.77 inches of moisture last month, the Barton Farm campus at the southeast edge of Trenton recorded 2.15 inches. Grundy County Emergency Manager Glen Briggs had 1.41 inches at his residence on East 5th Street in Trenton, and KTTN in downtown Trenton measured 1.15 inches. There was no measurable snow last month in Trenton. In the 54 years since 1970, KTTN records show Trenton has had a trace or no snow in March 23 times. The average snow in March in Trenton is two and three-quarters inches.

Snowfall this season in Trenton remains at 16.2 inches. This is 3.75 inches below normal snowfall through March. The National Weather Service’s Climate Prediction Center, entering March, said temperatures and precipitation both were slightly to moderately favored to be above normal in our area. That was correct on the temperatures but incorrect on the precipitation.

Trenton received above-normal temperatures but below-normal precipitation. The outlook for April says temperatures and precipitation both are moderately favored to be above normal in our area.

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