Letter carriers in Trenton are helping to “Stamp Out Hunger”

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Letter carriers working out of the Trenton Post Office will be collecting non-perishable items on Saturday, May 13, to benefit the community food pantry.

The food drive is called “Stamp Out Hunger,” and letter carriers have left yellow bags, or will leave yellow bags at mailboxes of residential customers. These can be filled with items such as granola bars, fruit, and cereal bars, fruit cups, pasta, pasta sauce, soups, boxed dinners, boxes of macaroni and cheese, cereal, crackers, peanut butter, jelly, and canned meats.

Food drive organizers request no glass or homemade items and no damaged or previously opened foods.

Bags filled with items are to be left at mailboxes early Saturday morning.

The letter carriers are to pickup up the donations while on their regular mail routes Saturday, May 13th. The event, featuring many national partners, is held annually on the secondary Saturday in May.

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