18 graduates recognized at Vicki Wheeler Honors Brunch

North Central Missouri College Website V1 (NCMC)
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In addition to NCMC Commencement on Saturday, the Vicki Wheeler Honors brunch recognized eighteen (18) NCMC graduates for their accomplishments.

The Outstanding Student Award is given to only one student in each degree program annually. The faculty selects students based on academic merits, campus involvement, and leadership in the classroom. The honors brunch is named after long-time NCMC faculty member, the late Vicki Wheeler.

Student honored were Zane Smith Arts and Sciences; Steven Parks AAT Education; Cheyanne Blanchard in Agriculture; Ryan Vogel for Criminal Justice; Cindy Davis Business and Technology, Kristopher Moore for Computer Science; Jacob Shuck in Applied Tech; Jessica Hoyt in Early Childhood; and Heather Chenoweth in Behavioral Health Support. Others honored were Scotlin Hurley Medical Assistant, Dylan Munson Medical Lab Technician, Bridgett White Pharmacy Technician, and in Levels two or one in nursing: Julie Boley, Danielle Juiliano, Rebecca Gillmore, Jordan Robinson, Craig Foster, and Renee Fordyce.

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