THS Class of 1967 hosts 70th birthday party for classmates

Class of'67 70th birthday party
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The Trenton High School Class of 1967 celebrated this weekend with a 70th birthday party for classmates at Moberly Park in Trenton.

Over 60 class members and guests attend the Saturday occasion. During the business meeting, officers were elected for the coming year: Phyllis Jackson, Chairman; George Moore, Vice Chair, Dorothy Taul, Secretary and Linda Lamp, Treasurer.

Members voted to contribute $500.00 to the Foundation Trust for THS in support of the Trenton High School Alumni Scholarship being reactivated by the organization.


Class of'67 70th birthday party
Dorothy Taul, Ed McCarty, and Steve Maxey – representing the Foundation Trust for THS, Linda Lamp, George Moore, and Phyllis Jackson. McCarty is also a member of the Class of 1967.

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