State Senator Bill Eigel launches bid for Missouri Governor, with a focus on tax cuts

Senator Bill Eigel (Photo by Harrison Sweazea - Senate Communications)
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(Missourinet) – State Sen. Bill Eigel, R-Weldon Spring, has officially launched his campaign for Missouri governor. If elected as governor next year, he hopes to cut taxes.

“We must understand that, currently in the state of Missouri, and I believe this is true for most states, we are sending more of our dollars to government – local, state, and federal combined than ever before, adjusted for inflation,” he said. “I believe if you ask most everyday Missourians if they feel they are getting more for the dollars they send to government, the answer would be overwhelmingly no.”

He mentioned that the state government can operate more efficiently with less money.

“If you examine Missouri and what we’re spending per person at the state level, it’s twice that of what a state like Florida spends per person,” Eigel stated. “I believe we have significant room both at the state and local levels, especially when discussing personal property tax, to reduce those rates without having to replace them with another tax.”

Eigel proposed reducing the personal property tax rate from 33-1/3% to 31% for autos, farm equipment, and other personal property. However, it did not pass during this year’s legislative session.

In response, he mentioned that despite the Republican supermajority controlling the House and Senate, the “wrong Republicans” hold office.

“We have a center-left coalition of Republicans in Jefferson City that have expanded the budget more than ever. It has grown from $20 billion in 2010 to $53 billion this year,” Eigel explained. “They prioritize new decision items. The total value of every personal property tax bill for every citizen in the state amounts to about $1.7 billion. It’s not a matter of whether the government has enough of your money; they have too much.”

Eigel believes Missouri is missing out on businesses and opportunities because it doesn’t provide “the right environment” conducive to business growth and family attraction.

He will compete against Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft and Lt. Gov. Mike Kehoe for the Republican nomination for governor. House Minority Leader Crystal Quade of Springfield is also running for governor as a Democrat.

(Photo by Harrison Sweazea – Senate Communications)

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