Judge has busy docket in Associate Division of Grundy County Circuit Court

Crime and Courts
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Numerous cases were processed Tuesday in the Associate Division of Grundy County Circuit Court including six defendants who waived preliminary hearings. Each was bound over to appear tomorrow in Division One of the circuit court at Trenton.

Bryant Olan Ellis of Trenton has eight felony counts: possession of a controlled substance and unlawful possession of drug paraphernalia from December 9th plus possession of a controlled substance, unlawful possession of drug paraphernalia, tampering with physical evidence, delivery of a controlled substance, resisting arrest, and unlawful use of a weapon – all from March 11th.

Terry Michael Delauder Junior of Galt is charged with property damage in the first degree and driving while intoxicated with attempted physical injury to a law enforcement officer. Both counts stem an incident November 15th.

Three of the defendants: April Dawn Hanson. Mitchell Dane Knapp, and Domanic James Lee Ratkovich—all of Trenton—face drug possession charges and unlawful possession of drug paraphernalia. David Clay Austin Travis of Spickard is charged with unlawful possession of drug paraphernalia.

Among other cases in Associate Division Tuesday: Denell Samona Berry of Trenton admitted violation of probation. She was sentenced to ten days incarceration at a rate of 30 dollars per day. Her original charge involved attempted stealing, fourth of subsequent offense within ten years.

Steven Richard Berry of Trenton pleaded guilty to charges of driving while intoxicated and leaving the scene of an accident December 12th. Two other counts were dismissed by the prosecutor. On a plea agreement, Berry was placed on two years probation, ordered to pay 200 dollars to the Grundy county law enforcement fund and the court costs.

Trenton resident Christian Jones pleaded guilty to an amended charge of trespassing in the first degree June 30th. The court followed the states’ recommendation and sentenced Jones to 60 days in jail. Execution of the sentence was suspended and Jones was placed on two years probation. He’s to donate 200 dollars to the law enforcement restitution fund and pay court costs.

Cowgill resident Karen Wilson pleaded guilty to driving while intoxicated December 28th in Grundy County. Two other counts were dismissed by the state. She was given a sentence of 20 days in jail. Execution of the sentenced was suspended and Wilson was placed on two years problem. She was fined 250 dollars, ordered to pay 250 dollars in recoupment fees, 100 dollars to the law enforcement fund, and court costs.

Trenton resident Kristy Kay Shivers pleaded guilty to a charge of hindering prosecution on January 17th. Another count was dismissed. The court followed the states’ recommendation and placed Shivers on probation for one year. She is to pay 100 dollars to the law enforcement fund and court costs.

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