Free class on “Frogging for Beginners” to be held at Locust Creek Conservation Area in Milan

Frog in water
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Frogging is a great way to enjoy Missouri’s fish, forest, and wildlife resources while also putting food on the table the whole family can enjoy. Join the Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) for a free clinic on frogging for beginners, 5 p.m. – 11 p.m. on Friday, July 5, at Locust Creek Conservation Area near Milan. The clinic is free and open to ages 12 and older, but preregistration is required by noon on Wednesday, July 3 by visiting  THIS LINK on the Missouri Department of Conservation’s website.  

The program will begin with a classroom session where participants will learn about frogs in Missouri and sample frog legs. A field portion will follow where participants can work on their techniques and harvest their own frogs.

Field activities will take place in marshlands and around a pond. Participants must bring clothing and shoes that can get wet and muddy such as rubber boots, waters hoes, or waders. Participants should also bring bug spray, a water bottle, lawn chair, and hat.  Fishing rods, headlamps, gigs, stringers, hand nets, and flashlights will be available for loan on the day of the event.  However, supplies will be limited, so any participants who have access to their own supplies are encouraged to bring them.

Participants younger than 16 years of age must be accompanied by an adult.  Anyone older than 16 years of age must possess a valid fishing permit.  Children under the age of 16 and resident adults over 65 are not required to have a permit.

This year’s frog season begins at sunset on June 30 and will continue through October 31. The daily limit is eight bullfrogs or green frogs and 16 in possession.

Frogs may be harvested with either fishing or hunting permits, as long as the method matches the permit. With a fishing permit, frogs may be harvested by hand, hand net, atlatl, gig, bow, trotline, throw line, limb line, bank line, jug line, snagging, snaring, grabbing or pole and line during frog season. With a hunting permit, frogs may be harvested using .22-caliber or smaller rimfire rifle or pistol, pellet gun, bow, crossbow, atlatl or by hand or hand net.

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